Thursday, January 7, 2010

Good no-cook camping recipes?

What are some good no-cook meals for camping. I am going to Bonnaroo in just over a week and really don't want to waste my time cooking when I could be seeing all those great bands. I will have a cooler with dry ice. I am just looking for some ideas besides just sandwiches and salads.Good no-cook camping recipes?
Pop tarts


Tuna %26amp; Crackers

Trail Mix

Vienna Sausages

Baked Beans

Puppy Chow

Fresh Fruits %26amp; VeggiesGood no-cook camping recipes?
Mil-Spec Meals Ready To Eat (MRE). Plastic pouches that have been

thrown by thousands out of aircraft over Asia, Africa, and Oceania for

disaster relief. Warm content by holding unopened bag under your armpit or sat upon if your buttocks are up to it. Case usually holds 12

different meals from beef stew to Italian pasta. You also get cutlery,

napkin, hand wipe, chewing gum, powdered drink, candy bar, tabasco

sauce, and more. Designed to keep soldiers alive on battlefields.

Writer uses same in sea kayak outings and speleological pursuits.
OK i got this one! sane thing happen for me diffrent place though.

anyways baked beans in a can! works wonders!!!!! excellent in proteins and good tasting. gives you energy and really brings the spirits up when you get tired of those salads and sandwhiches! lol there really good though try the bushes baked beans with the steak flavors and stuff! VERY GOOD!



corned beef

cold hot dogs








dried raw meat (perferably beef)
  • tvs
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